Friday, December 10, 2010

Café Duck Butt

We were driving along the east end of Kawaiahao Street the other day, having just turned right while going makai on Ward Avenue. Makai? That’s “toward the sea” for those who don’t live in Hawaii.
That’s when I almost got into an accident. I hadn’t really noticed it before, but at the corner of Kawaiahao and Kamani Streets was this sign –>
It turns out that Café Duck Butt is a Korean karaoke bar that sells food. I’ve never eaten there but from what I’ve read, people like their food, especially the “Korean tacos.” Korean tacos? Whoa!
I wonder if they actually do prepare and sell duck butt?


R. said...

Haw! Great name! You'll have to give it a review on your restaurant blog. :)

casch said...

Oh gosh, I'm not sure if I'd be intrigued enough to eat there or not! LOL !!