Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bitchin’ Kitchen

She’s attractive in a weird way, that quirky host of Cooking Channel’s Bitchin’ Kitchen. And, she’s very attractive when she drops her wacky television persona.
Purists might be put off by her punkish appearance – wild and heavily sprayed hairdo, serious eye makeup, and the reddest lips you’ll see this side of Marilyn Monroe – but they can’t argue that her show is different. REAL different.
Nadia G. (Giosia), a Montreal Italian with a regular show on the Canadian Food Network, wasn’t well-known in America (especially Hawaii) until her web-based show hit the cable waves in early October. (Wait … “cable waves”? Get with it, Craig!)
I kind of avoided her show for a while, but then one day when I had nothing to do, her show was on. So I watched it. And now I’m hooked. Lawdie, she is so entertaining! It’s fun to watch her mannerisms and facial expressions, and she’s not so bad at wielding her kitchen implements either.
Nadia isn’t formally trained at any culinary school. Rather, she went to what she calls the School of Hard Wooden Spoon Whacks. Her episode themes poke fun at life – e.g., what foods are good after breaking up with a lover, what to eat when you have a hangover, foods that help with your anxiety, what to feed your girlfriend/boyfriend when you make up after a fight, how to impress the inlaws … you know, useful situations like that.
Between prancing around behind her counter, Nadia segues over to her three “experts” – Panos, the Kitchen’s extremely knowledgeable fish monger; Hans, the shirtless food correspondent; and (whatever his name is, even Nadia never gets it right), the spice agent.
Want more? Visit her website at http://bitchinlifestyle.tv/.
I’m telling you, Bitchin’ Kitchen is fun stuff.


casch said...

I've seen her show advertised, but I haven't seen it. Maybe I will look for it now.

R. said...

Fun! I'll have to check it out.