Thursday, December 9, 2010

Appearance Counts

One thing I have to say about the Japanese – they sure know how to take the physical characteristics of food stuff and apply them to human fortune. Every year around this time – when the family begins to observe Japanese traditions of the New Year, I am reminded of just how deeply we are ingrained into our historical culture.
For example:
Gobo (burdock root): If you eat gobo, you will become an unwavering, resolute and steadfast person who is dedicated and committed to anything you endeavor. Why? Because this long root grows straight and firm in the ground, like someone with a stiff backbone and unyielding focus.
Ebi (shrimp): Persons who eat a lot of shrimp and lobster are destined to lead long lives. Why? Because these seafood have bent backs, like those of the elderly.
Takenoko (bamboo shoots): Eat a lot of these bullet-shaped, tender and crunchy young bamboo plant tips and you will be able to endure and to exhibit flexibility. Why? Because the bamboo plant grows tall and prolifically, and sways without breaking in even the most terrible of storms.
Sato Imo (taro): This vegetable is supposed to make you fertile and able to bear many children. Why? Because baby taros propagate from one seed taro, symbolizing fertility.

1 comment:

R. said...

Interesting! I could use some of the gobo myself. ;)