Friday, May 3, 2013

Good News, Bad News

The pirie mango tree at the top of our driveway was full of blossoms yesterday, and the wife was anticipating a bumper crop of her favorite mangos when the fruit ripens during the summer.

But it rained hard yesterday for maybe 10 minutes, one of the climatological hazards of living at the foot of rainy Manoa Valley.

And that created a good news-bad news situation.

First, the bad news: About half of the blossoms were knocked off the tree by the rain. See the picture above? That's not gravel on the ground, those are fallen blossoms. Thousands of them. You can see some of the blossoms still on the tree above the stone wall.

Now, the good news: I don't like pirie mangos, so it's no loss to me.

I do feel bad for the wife, though. Really, I do.

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