Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Sneaky Rodent

"Look, what's that over there on the corner of the fence?" the wife whispered, pointing with a shaky finger.

Grandson looked. I looked. There, lurking in the shadows, was a black animal.

At first, I thought it was a cat. A long, skinny cat.

The then, it moved catlike along the top of the fence. Nope. Not a cat. It was a black squirrel ... the first black squirrel I'd ever seen in my life. Ominous-looking bugger, that one.

Someone once told me that squirrels were merely skinny rats with long, bushy tails. Man, I gotta tell you, that's exactly what this one looked like.

I couldn't see its eyes, but I wouldn't be surprised if they glowed red. The devil incarnate. *Shudder*

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