Friday, May 1, 2009

Armor-Geddon is Near!

There's something satanic about the outward appearance of this shop in San Jose's Westfield Shopping Town - skulls and swords and knives and fantasy stuff.

It's actually kind of entertaining to wander through this small shop, although to be quite frank about it, I half expected the people inside to be dressed all in black with a plethora of silver rings and studs hanging from their eyebrows, lips, noses, tongues and ears.

But no, the guy inside was dressed just like a regular guy.

I hung around inside for a while 'cause I've had this thing about knives all my life - they're fascinating and someday I'll show you my small collection if you're interested. And surprisingly, the guy behind the counter was extremely knowledgeable about the knives and swords he had in his shop.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any antique blades available. If he had, I would have hung around a little longer, and who knows, may even have made a purchase. All of his stock was newly produced.

Still, it was fun in his shop.

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