Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pah-dan Me

Here’s another Hawaii “speak-ism” that caught my ear the other day. Many people born and raised in Hawaii pronounce the short “e” in some words like an “a” as in bag.

Here are some examples:

· “Beg” becomes “bag.”
· “Better” becomes “battah.”
· “Sweater” becomes “swattah.”
· “Forget” becomes “forgat.”
· “Cigarette” becomes “cigarrat.”

I think it has something to do with the inability to form what used to be called “pear-shaped” tones. Instead of keeping the jaw steady and widening the lips, people drop their jaw and open their mouths more.

Try it.


Anonymous said...

Like, yeah, I agree with you. ;-)

casch said...

I love listening to regional dialects. Interesting how you can tell where some people come from in short order.