Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Clean Up That Mess or Else!

Now here’s a man who knows how to get his point across.

Andrew Mizsak of Bedford, Oregon, couldn’t stand his son’s messy room. So he called 911 and sicced the cops on little Andrew Jr.

Well, maybe “little” isn’t the right descriptor. You see, Andrew Jr. is 28 years old. Apparently incensed over his father’s admonition to clean up his room, Junior flung his food across the room and shook his fist at his father.

Dad Mizsak knows ‘bout petulant kids (he’s a school board member), and how to deal with them. So he called 911. But then when the cops showed up, Dad relented and didn’t press charges. Why? Andrew Jr. is a political consultant and Dad didn’t want to ruin his political career.

Andrew Jr. was suitably contrite and promised to keep his room clean from now on.

I kid you not.

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