Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dirty What?

Oh my, the things we see if only we'd keep our eyes open.

One day, while parking behind Sanoya Ramen on King Street, I noticed bumper sticker stuck on ... not a bumper, but a pipe. It wasn't hard to notice; the green color stuck out like a sore thumb.

But it was what was written on the sticker that really caught my eye: "Dirty Unko Inc."

The word unko is Japanese for doo-doo, dump, crap, defecation, number two. It's not pronounced like "uncle," It's pronounced "oon koh."

How come I always notice stupid stuff like this? Brain warp? Time warp? Let's do the Time Warp again? Why? Still, I wonder who put the sticker there, and what the motive was, if any.

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