Monday, September 20, 2010

Inflight Internet

I’d heard some airlines had Wi-Fi Internet on board during some flights, but only recently have I been on a flight where it was offered.

During my Delta flights to and from Hawaii from Las Vegas, the flight attendants called our attention to a seat-pocket card that provided all the needed information. The only thing not mentioned was the access fee.

Although I had my computer with me on the outbound flight from Hawaii, I was on the red-eye so I didn’t even think of hooking up. However, the return flight from Los Angeles was a different story, so I was anticipating giving it a try.

Just as I was about to turn my laptop on, the flight attendant made an announcement that quickly changed my mind.

Apparently, the Wi-Fi access only works within a few miles of the continent. In other words, if you paid your fee and hooked up, you had only about 11 minutes worth of Internet connection before it was lost for the balance of the trip.

I’m sure glad they told us.

How much was the fee? Beats me, I didn’t even bother to find out.

1 comment:

Sylvia K. said...

Don't blame you...what good is that!!