Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A-a-and That’s a Wrap, Folks!

Two Garner, Iowa, teens needed nice clothes to wear to their high school prom.

So, Elizabeth Rasmuson collected a whole bunch of blue and white Wrigley’s "5" chewing gum wrappers and made herself a dress … and a vest for her boyfriend, Jordan Weaver.

She said she wanted something different, and got the idea when she heard of someone making a dress out of duct tape.

The dress is finished with a coat of vinyl (I guess to keep the wrapper dress from falling apart during the fast dances).

Mother Dawn Rasmuson called the project “really cool and really awesome.”

If you’ve got the time, you can see them at their prom this Saturday night, but just don’t pop your gum during the slow dances.

By the way, check out his pants. He’s wearing high-waters. Chew on THAT for a while.

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