Monday, August 5, 2013

Hey, You Guy-y-y-y-ys!

Remember the opening of PBS’s The Electric Company (1971 and later)? Or, Sloth in The Goonies (1985)? The signature line of both is “Hey, You Guy-y-y-ys!”

It seems it’s coming back. No, not the kiddie TV show. No, not The Goonies movie. And no, not Chunk’s good friend Sloth. “You guys” is coming back, mostly in restaurants.
When the wife and I went to breakfast recently at Kenny’s Restaurant in Kalihi, the hostess referred to us as “You guys” four times as she led us to our table, and once again when she asked how our meals were when we were done.
Whenever a group is served at restaurants, pay attention. Chances are that at least once, the waiter will address your group as “you guys.” It seems to have been taught to young waiters at the Waiting Academy’s English 101 class.
The term is kind of like today’s version of the Southern “y’all.” It’s completely superfluous and I guess is unintentionally meant (how’s that for an oxymoron?) to inject a friendly, informal reference to a group of people (e.g., customers, fares, tour groups).
“You” is not only singlular, it’s also plural. Why don’t they just say “you” and drop the “guys”? It’s so … low class, and “you guys” presumes a close acquaintanceship that really does not exist. I want my waiters to be prompt, friendly and helpful. Not my buddy.
Is that okay with you guys?

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