Thursday, June 6, 2013

Curiouser and Curiouser

Those doves get braver and more curious every day, especially the larger Spotted Doves.

It used to be that they were shy as all get out. Now, however, they wander around me, under my chair, around my feet, inspecting my toes, looking for something to eat.

The other day, one actually flew up onto the table next to my chair, no more than a couple of feet away from me. It stood there, turning its head, checking me out, as if pleading with its eyes for me to turn into a dove-catering service.

The little Zebra Doves seem to be a little shyer. They used to perch on my footstool (on my legs and toes, and once even on my head), but no more.

It's as though the Spotted and Zebra Doves have reversed roles. Is the Apocalypse on its way?

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