Sunday, June 2, 2013

Canada Goose Encounter

Canada geese are pretty birds, and they're generally not hostile when you approach them. They let you get only so close, though, before they walk away from you.

And so it was a different adventure when I spotted some Canada geese in the playground yard of my grandson's school in San Jose. We'd gone there to watch him celebrate his fourth birthday in class.

After the classroom session, we were headed back to the car when I saw the geese about a hundred yards away. Readying my camera, I quickly moved in closer. Most of the geese began walking away.

Except for this one brave fellow. With his head held high, he began walking toward me. I've learned that as long as geese and swans walk toward you without stretching their necks forward along the ground, you're okay. Once they start doing that, they definitely have evil (or protective) intentions.

So, I started snapping, just in case. When I got to within 20 feet, down went the head, out stretched the neck, and backward did I begin walking. Forget the picture-taking. Faster came the goose. I gave up, turned around and trotted away.

I'm no fool. I value the flesh on my legs.

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