Tuesday, July 12, 2011

‘Tis the Season

The path well trodden by Craig and Diana
I love walking near the ocean on a beautiful summer day like today – cool salty breezes, the splashy rumble of the breaking waves, calming bright blue of the water, people walking, cooking and eating, just plain enjoying themselves.

If there’s one thing about Honolulu, it’s that we’re a 24/7 city. Because of the tourist industry, we’re not just a 9 to 5, Monday through Friday kind of town. Take a drive on the freeways almost any time of day and there are cars going to and fro. Somebody is always getting off of, or heading off to, work.
And it’s a time when school kids from all over the world arrive in bunches. Today, for example, on our walk at Magic Island, the wife and I spotted a couple of buses full of what looked like Japanese high school students. They were all gathered by the water, apparently having just had their group picture taken.
Japan students on excursion
It must have been a great picture. Can you imagine going back to school in Japan with a big picture in your hands, pointing out to your friends which one is you, with the impressive buildings and Diamond Head in the background? Oh, get real, Craig. These are young people from Japan we're talking about - they wouldn't carry photos, they'd just whip out their mobiles. 

We saw at least one church group (few dozen people) all set up with tent shelters, the mouth-watering aromas of teriyaki grilled meat wafting across Magic Island. A short distance away, a volleyball game was going on with its players yelling, “Aloha ball! Aloha ball!” They were probably an office or work group having an outing.
And remember, this is Tuesday, near the middle of the week, not a weekend day.
We saw at least two inflatable bouncers for kids, the beach was full of sunbathers and swimmers, the walkways were filled with people jogging or walking – oldsters like us, young kids, teens, young couples, professionals in their exercise shorts … you name it, they were there.
On a Tuesday. In the summer. In the park.

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