Sunday, March 28, 2010

“Beard Saga II” Coming Along Nicely

It’s been six weeks since I started growing my new beard.

Once my facial hair reached the “pretty shaggy and substantial” stage, I started doing a little bit of trimming – shaving the neck area and generally shaping the lower boundary of my beard just below the jaw line.

I also trimmed the bottom of my moustache so the hair wouldn't poke my lower lip. There was some sparse grown just below my cheekbones, so I got rid of those as well.

Not bad. I think I’m beginning to look like a college professor again.

The Beard: Initial Shaping


Beverly said...

Let's see the whole face, how 'bout it?

Beverly said...

Now that I've seen the whole face. It's not bad at all ... nope, not at all. :)