Monday, October 25, 2010

Which Sport Has More Action?

Now that it’s nearly time for the World Series, and now that football season is in full swing, it’s time to put the two sports side by side and do a little comparison.
Some sports fans look at baseball with disdain and decry how little action there actually is in the game: “Baseball is so slow. Nothing happens. Not like football!”
Have you heard that before? I have.
The Wall Street Journal wondered if that were true. So they did a study. Their findings are quite interesting.
They found that actual action at a football game (from the time the ball is hiked or put into play until the whistle blows the play dead) adds up to an average of … are you ready for this? Eleven (11) minutes a game. Eleven minutes out of the three hours or so you spend in your seat at the stadium.
How about baseball? The Journal study showed that there are 14 minutes of action in a baseball game, although the fans sit in their stadium seats about the same length of time as football fans.
I’m just saying …

1 comment:

R. said...

Wow! 11 minutes? 14 even? I knew there was lots of down time, but not *that* much.