Thursday, October 21, 2010

Curses! Foiled Again

The 2010 Ig Nobel Prize for Peace went to a research team from Keele University in the United Kingdom, who reaffirmed something all of us knew for a fact.
Swearing, they confirmed, does relieve pain. Loud swearing, in fact, does a better job. If you pound your thumb with a hammer, the pain is nearly unbearable. But … if you yell out curses right afterwards, it hurts less. Much less.
Their paper, “Swearing as a Response to Pain,” was published in Neuroreport.
I showed this to the wife, and demonstrated as well. Good grief, I’ve forgotten how bad soap tastes.
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements and improbable research that “first make people laugh, and then make them think.” Even actual Nobel Prize winners participate in the ceremonies.
I kid you not!


R. said...

I don't swear, but I do think a good loud holler helps.

casch said...

I don't swear either (out loud) but sometimes slamming a door helps.