Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just Whistle

You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and … blow. – Marie “Slim” Browning (Lauren Bacall) to Harry “Steve” Morgan (Humphrey Bogart), in To Have and Have Not.
Just whistle? You might want to think twice about that if you’re in New York.
The City Council is conducting hearings and is listening to women advocates who say that men regularly follow them, yell and make them feel unsafe and uncomfortable.
It’s not just in the U.S. where men harass women on the streets. A website based in Cairo, Egypt, is going up soon ( where women can report wolf-whistling, jeering and other harassment, including groping and sexual threats.
So … Lauren Bacall may have good advice on HOW to whistle, but if you’re a guy and you see a pretty girl walking by, exercise a little restraint before the Politeness Cops arrest you.


R. said...

That's the trouble with whistling. You don't want to get whistled at, but if it's happening, you don't want to *not* get whistled at either. :P

casch said...

I always found it embarassing, notice the past tense in that. Doesn't happen anymore! :)