Sunday, November 8, 2009

Little Changes, Big Changes

My grandson has changed a bit since we last saw him in June. It's now November and he celebrated his 6-month birthday in October with his friends (I mean, with his parent's friends and their little ones).

When last we saw him, he slept and cried a lot. This time around, he's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, goo-goos and yortles a lot, smiles all the time, and stuffs his fingers into his mouth at every opportunity.

He's discovered television, and if it's on, he tends to ignore people and turn his eyes to the tube. If you are carrying him and turn him away to try and get him to look at other people, he'll do that for a second, then turn his head to the sound of the TV - until he gets bored with it.

It's endearing how he is alert to new people and colors. Sometimes he'll pay you the same attention he does to the TV - turning away but then snapping his attention back to you.

I watched his dad feed him pureed carrots last night. He sure enjoyed that. Heck, the way he was smacking it down, it made ME hungry.

You know what? I seem to have lost my own decorum and sense of adulthood. Catch me at the right time, and you'd be amazed and entertained at how silly I can become when I'm around the kid. Lawdie, lawdie.


R. said...

So cute!! His expression looks like he's sizing the camera up. They're so much fun at that age.

Anonymous said...

Cute! I sure hope you're enjoying your visit with the little one! I understand why grandparent spoil their grandchildren now! They don't have the same stresses as the parents and can really enjoy them!

Unknown said...

He is so adorable!

casch said...

He's absolutely adorable!! I know you are enjoying him!!