Saturday, September 5, 2015

Turkey Rafters

During our April trip to Fremont, our turkey sightings suffered a new low in dry spells. You may recall we only saw two turkeys during our 14 days in the East Bay city, and the only picture I came home with was a crummy out-of-focus shot of a turkey sitting on a fence. 

We were luckier this time. Two days after our arrival, four turkeys were doing a turkey trot across the street from my son's house. Snap, snap! Pix! This was the first time we saw turkeys in front of the house; usually they are pecking around the grassy ravine in the back.

They were all jennys and hens, perhaps some jakes. I saw no toms.

A couple of days later, we saw a rafter of about a dozen-and-a-half turkeys in one of the grassy areas alongside the access street as we drove by, of course, camera was not at the ready. But that was a big bunch and unfortunately, I didn't have my camera ready.

  • Rafter: A group of turkeys, aka a "gang," aka "flock"
  • Hen: Female turkey
  • Jenny: Young female turkey
  • Tom: Male turkey, aka "gobbler"
  • Jake: Young male turkey

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