Friday, September 30, 2011

Nice Improvements

During recent mid-day walks at Kakaako Waterfront Park, the wife and I were delighted to note some of the fixes and improvements made to one of our favorite places.

The broken wall along the waterfront promenade has been renovated nicely; all of the chipped and cracked-off surfaces have been fixed. The walkway pavilions have been upgraded and their trellises fixed.

On the promenade walkway itself, loose bricks have been securely replaced, ensuring my safety during our walks (it's easy to trip when one's attention is diverted by the lovely vista out to sea).

Especially noticeable is the stairway down to the water's edge that leads to an area protected by a small seawall. A railing has been installed on either side, and the pathway has been paved. In the picture above, you can see the wife checking it out.

The wall in the front of the picture typifies the improved look all along the promenade.

Good work. Thanks to whomever is responsible.

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