Sunday, September 4, 2011

Employee Non-Benefit?

I came across this sign on a gate at the Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical Park (aka the Las Vegas Zoo) when I visited it recently.

Now, I know what they mean. They're saying the area beyond the fence is for zoo employees only, and that we, the adoring public, may not go past the gate. That's what they mean.

But like many other ambiguously constructed signs I've shared with you in the past, this one can be read another way, as a message to "zoo employees only." And that message would be, "Do not enter." And since the message is directed to a specific audience, it would mean that we, the adoring public, can enter at will.

Methinks the "Do Not Enter" should have been placed above the "Zoo Employees Only."

I'm just saying ...

1 comment:

casch said...

Hafta agree on this one too!