Basically, it’s for wimps like me who don’t want to undergo the stress and anxiety we feel while sitting in the dentist’s chair. Personally, I grew up in an era where a trip to the dentist was like a trip to a torture chamber. Y’know, evil scientist coming at your face with a huge drill, hammer and chisel?
Apparently, I’m one of the 30% of citizens who avoid going to the dentist because of the fears.
In sedation dentistry, they either give you the drugs via IV, or orally. If I had a choice, I’d choose oral sedation. I mean, if they’re going to work on the mouth, why not let the mouth do a little work a forehand, no?
Oh, and one has to bring someone who can drive.
Hey, think of it. You sleep, they work, your teeth get an overhaul, AND you get a chauffeur. What a deal, what a deal!
I went in for the sedation dentistry when I had a couple cavities. It's a Godsend for us dental-phobes.
wuss! :)
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