Thursday, June 11, 2015

Grandson's Busy Weekend

"Idle hands are the devil's workshop." ~ Old Proverb

When it comes to weekends, and spring and summer breaks, my grandson gets busy. During our last visit to his home in California, we went with him to check out his tae kwon do class and his art school hour on a Saturday, and his swimming class the next day.

Tae Kwon Do

He's been taking tae kwon do for about a year now, and is progressing very nicely, earning his black-strip belt. The class is always fun to watch. After all they are kids and just don't wear that concentrated look of a serious martial artist yet.

Art Class

We didn't really get to stay for his art class because there's nowhere for parents and grandparents and other adults to sit and watch for an hour. Besides, the floors are covered with brush marks and paint drippings like a real artist's studio.

So we hung out at the nearby Starbucks while we waited.

But the wife and I did get to see some of his work on display in his play room at home. They're not bad for a kindergartener.


His Sunday swimming class is the last of his weekend leisure-time activities. The swim academy is pretty close, just down the road from his home. It's in a business park area, plain on the outside but colorful and nice on the inside.

Lucky kid!

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