Lowest Per Capita
Energy Use (U.S Energy Information Administration, 2010)
- California (6.721 kilowatt hours)
- HAWAII (7.363 KWH)
- Rhode Island (7.434 kwh)
- New York (7.467 kwh)
- Alaska (7.952 kwh)
Highest-Priced U.S.
Cities to Visit during Summer 2012 (TripAdvisor, 2012)
- Honolulu, HI ($504.74 for a one-night stay at a four-star hotel, plus dinner, wine, and round-trip taxi)
- New York, NY ($504.25)
- Boston, MA (473.59)
- San Francisco, CA ($471.89)
- Chicago, IL ($448.45)
Highest Occupancy
Rate, Sun Destinations, First Quarter 2013 (Smith Travel Research)
- OAHU, HI (86.2%)
- Phuket, Thailand (86.1%)
- MAUI, HI (80.2%)
- Maldives (77.2%)
- KAUAI, HI (73.2%)
- BIG ISLAND, HI (72.6%)
Place to Buy a Home (Nerdwallet.com, 2013)
- HONOLULU, HI (Average home costs 8.92 years of current median household income)
- San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA (8.17 years)
- San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA (7.93 years)
- New York-Wayne-White Plains, NY-NJ (6.77 years)
- San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA (6.73 years)
Worst Teaching Degree
Programs (National Council on Teacher Quality, 2013)
- University of Hawaii at Hilo, and University of Hawaii at Manoa (tied with 155 other nationwide colleges and universities with elementary and secondary school degree programs)
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