Sunday, March 7, 2010

Those Despicable Wrap-Around Ads

In a word, I hate them. Yeah, yeah, I know … that’s three words.
But that only goes to stress the point that I hate wrap-around advertisements that come in the newspaper. They intrude on my sense of well-being.
At first it was just in the Sunday comics section, but more recently the wrap-arounds have been impinging on my ability to read the front page without distraction.
So you know what I do? I immediately remove the front-section wrap-around and toss it. It usually is a separate sheet of paper, thank goodness.
The comics section wrap-around is attached to the back sheet of comics, so I have to tear it off, which leaves a ragged edge on the last pages of comics and offends my sense of propriety.
If the ads are meant to catch my attention and implant the advertiser in my self-conscious, it doesn’t work.
Except for the fact that I took a picture of today’s wrap-arounds and it’s posted here, I wouldn’t even know who the advertisers are.
I hate wrap-around ads in the newspaper.

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