Saturday, March 6, 2010

Watching Nothing Happen

This cracked me up. At St. Mark’s Square in Las Vegas’ Venetian Resort, I watched a bunch of people sitting and watching a woman dressed in white doing absolutely nothing.

The “do-nothing” person was Anne Taylor, one of the “living statues” who perform (or rather, “don’t do anything”) for a long stretches of time. She'd just stand there, and people would watch … and watch … and watch.

Every now and then, someone in the audience would walk up to her and drop some money in the jar.

Did she thank them? Nope. She did nothing … and then nothing … and then more of nothing.

And the people would watch … and watch … and watch.

I felt like yelling, “People! Get a grip! She’s not doing anything, and she’s not GOING to do anything! That’s what she does for a living! NOTHING!”

But would anybody listen? I doubt it. They’d just watch … and watch … and watch.

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