Monday, March 8, 2010

Omeletus Vomitus

The family went to Pagoda Floating Restaurant for brunch yesterday, which as you know is NOT one of my favorite places to eat. But I had to go with them because three of them were celebrating birthdays and they love the place.
Everything in the buffet was practically the same as before, except that they had a couple of different entrees. I won’t bore you with the critical details about what I eventually put on my plate.
However, I just had to share this picture I took of the omelet made for me.

Omeletus Vomitus
I don’t know where the omelet-maker got his training, but he needs to go back for a couple of refresher courses on how to create an appetizing omelet.
My scallop/shrimp/tomato omelet was overcooked and toasted so badly that looked like barf. Not only that, he didn’t know how to fold it onto the plate.
Yecch. I picked out a couple of scallops to taste, then threw the omelet away.

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