Barbers used to do bloodletting. I knew that. Barber poles
identified a barbershop. I knew that. But I didn’t know what the colors of the
barber pole stood for.
According to Audra Kunkle, owner
of "Loved to Death," the store featured in Oddities San Francisco on Saturday nights, the swirling red banner stripes
represent blood, and the white stripes represent a tourniquet or bandage.
What she didn’t address was the swirling
banner of blue on some barber poles. And that required a little bit of research on my part. In the
U.S., the color blue is also used, as an homage to nationality. It’s also been
said that the blue represents venous blood, differentiating it from red
arterial blood.
And, I was somewhat amused to
learn that in some parts of Asia, the red, white and blue barber pole is used
to identify brothels.
“Shave and a haircut, six bits.
Anything else is $25 an hour.”
I didn't know about the blue!
Neither did I. We learn something every day!
~ Craig
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