Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yakety Yak Yak

Two versions of a recent conversation in my household the day before we left for San Jose:

Version #1 (In my dreams)
  • Me: We’re leaving for the airport at 11:45, so call your brother at 11:15 and tell him we’re ready.
  • Wife: Okay.
Version #2 (Reality bites back)
  • Me: We’re leaving for the airport at 11:45, so call your brother at 11:15 and tell him we’re ready.
  • Wife: 11:15?
  • Me: Yes.
  • Wife: Call him at 11:15?
  • Me: Yes.
  • Wife: So we’re leaving for the airport at 11:45, right?
  • Me: Right.
  • Wife: Okay, it’s 10:15 now, right?
  • Me: Right.
  • Wife: So I should wait an hour before calling him, right?
  • Me: Right.
  • Wife: Guess I should get ready now, then.
  • Me: Yes.
  • Wife: Okay.
What can one do but shrug it off and think "Oh well."

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