Thursday, April 19, 2012

Irregularity Ahead!

Dannon claims that its Activia brand of yogurt will help with irregularity, but I'm not so sure it can remedy mine.

For the next couple of weeks or so, the usually daily posts on my Left Field Wander blog will appear on an irregular basis. I'm going on a trip with the wife to visit my grandson in California.

My other blogs will post automatically as as I schedule them 'way in advance. But the Wandering blog is usually done daily and I don't know how often I'll be able to get to a computer 'cause I don't want to lug my laptop along and my iPad isn't up to the task of posting new entries.

So ... take your vitamins, get plenty of exercise, drink lots of liquids, eat lots of roughage and some Activia every now and then, and you'll stay regular. Don't worry about me. I'll catch up later.

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