Tuesday, March 6, 2012

OrGREENic Non-Stick Pan

Hey! I broke down and got me one of those OrGREENic non-stick sauté pans. Y’know, the one they advertise on television. The one with the green ceramic coating.
It’s a 10-incher that cost me exactly $26.13 ($24.95 for the pan, and $1.18 for state excise tax). Not too bad, most non-stick pans cost about that much.
I’d thought about going online and buying it from their website, but then I’d end up with two pans, which kind of commits you to the cause, right? Although, you do get a free cookbook and a “surprise gift valued at $20.” The only thing about the “free pan” is that you have to pay separate shipping and handling – their ploy that brings in an extra $6.99.
Do the math: One pan at $19.95, plus $6.99 shipping and handling, equals $26.94, about the same that I paid. Except that you have to get the second pan (they leave you no choice) for an additional $6.99. That’s $34.95 for the two pans. Not bad if you want two of them, for that works out to $17.48 per pan. Except that now you have two pans, and they pocket an extra seven bucks.
If I wanted to, I could have bought one on Amazon.com for $18.00. Unfortunately the shipping for one pan is $11.17, for a total of $29.17 for one pan. However, if I purchased something else and my purchases totaled more than $25.00, I could have gotten free shipping.
All this math is giving me a headache. The main thing is, I got to touchy-feel the pan, talk to the store manager, and walk out with it instantly, by visiting the “As Seen on TV” store.
So I paid sales tax? So what? I got to contribute two pennies (rounded up) to the Honolulu Rail Transit Project that more and more people seem not to want.
I tried it out this morning, and once you season it (easy ‘nuff to do), it works great! Better than the black non-sticks I already use.
OrGREENic … Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls.


  1. Sounds like you really like it! I don't know if we have one of those stores, but generally before long ~ BBB gets all those things. I'll give it whirl when I see it.

  2. Just saw these in the new Bed Bath & Beyond Catalog - 19.99 for a 10" fry pan, and you can use coupons on them
