Well now, that's interesting ... Hawaiian Volcano Plants. Nice label at Home Depot's garden center. A bit misleading, perhaps, but nice name anyway.
The flowers of course are anthuriums, those beautiful red heart-shaped flowers with the shiny, waxy surfaces and prominent white, yellow-tipped spike called a spadix.
Anthuriums are plentiful on the Big Island of Hawaii, which is where the state's major volcanos are located. So I guess it's natural for some clever marketer to dub the anthuriums "volcano plants."
Whenever I go to Hilo, the wife puts freshly cut anthuriums on my "bring back" list. And apparently she's not the only one, because I see a lot of them being carried on carefully when passengers load up on the plane in Hilo.
Call them whatever you want, as long as you know what they're really called.
Love those flowers!!