Friday, January 27, 2012

Oh Poop, the Birds Are Back

You may have seen this story before, because it’s not new; it’s just that it’s back in the news now because of CNN’s broadcast story of the phenomenon yesterday. The birds are back! Black ravens by the thousands.

What is it about Kentucky that’s attracting hordes of ravens? They swarmed in Shelbyville during the spring of 2010, and now they’re swarming in La Grange.
Lots of them. And along with the birds comes bird poop. Lots of it. Some of the residents there said they have to run indoors when the birds arrive, and that the sound of their whitewash splattering on the ground, on their cars, on their roofs, and on their umbrellas sounds like rainfall.
‘Cept it ain’t rain. It’s more stinky.
Pastor Paul Begley, on the website, Rapture in the Air Now, calls gatherings such as this signs of Jesus’ coming. The “times of the Apocalypse” are upon us. I’m not sure he’s right, but then again, who knows for sure?
The swarm of birds? Or the swarm of religious opportunists? Which is worse?
Either way, it’s a sign that the Apocalypse is near. Shades of Alfred Hitchcock and Betty Boop! Good E-e-evening. Poop-poop-pi-doo!

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