Saturday, January 28, 2012

Here Come the Woofers and Yappers

This is just something to put in your tickler file so you don’t forget – The 2012 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 13-14, at Madison Square Garden.

It’s a little too early for me to schedule it on my DVR, but it’s marked on my calendar, circled in red. I’d sure hate to miss the competition (I’ve been watching it for as long as I can remember). It’ll be broadcast live on the USA Network.

A total of 185 breeds can compete in the annual show, including six new ones this year.

In the picture above, the six newly eligible breeds are (top, l-r), the Xoloitzcuintli (formerly known as the Mexican Hairless), the Norwegian Lundehund, the Finnish Lapphund, (bottom, l-r) the Entlebucher Mountain Dog, the Cesky Terrier, and the American English Coonhound.
The Westminster show is one of my “Don’t Miss” programs of the year. I can’t wait.

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