Thursday, August 16, 2012

Violence on TV (Kinda)

What if you ordered a TV set online from and when you opened the box, you found an assault rifle instead?
That’s what happened to Seth Horvitz of Washington, D.C. Imagine his surprise when he discovered the misdelivery. It should have gone to the Independence Gun Shop in Duncansville, Pennsylvania, but somehow found its way to his doorstep.
He kind of panicked – after all, assault guns like the one he now “owned” are illegal in the nation’s capital. He couldn’t even drive it to the Metropolitan Police station because it’s also illegal to drive with one in D.C. So he did the only thing he could do, he called the cops and had them come pick it up.
So who’s fault is it? Nobody’s raising their hands – not UPS, which delivered the rifle to the address on the box; not Amazon, which packed the correct invoice to the correct party inside the box, not the gun shop that ordered the weapon.
I hope he had someone take his picture holding the rifle. After all, a Sig Sauer SIG716 is nothing to sneeze at and how many people can say they actually owned one, albeit by mistake and only for a short time?
The really bad thing about it? He couldn’t watch the Olympics on a brand-new flat-screen TV set. Oh, and he changed his mind about the TV set after the huge faux pas.
I kid you not!
(By the way, check out his thumbnail in the picture. Is that nail polish he has on?)

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