Monday, December 3, 2012

Pagoda Restaurant Upgrade

You've heard me complain about the Pagoda Floating Restaurant many times in the past – about how the food is always the same, and how they make lousy omelets, about how much they charge for parking, ad nauseum.
I have to change my opinion of them. I have to upgrade my attitude.
We went there yesterday after an absence of a year or so, since my grandson and his family are in town and my son wanted to treat the family gang to a lunch while they were here. The original plan was to have an excellent Sunday brunch at the Halekulani Hotel in Waikiki. However, my mother-in-law doesn't like it there (don't ask me why), so we went to the only place she truly enjoys ... the Pagoda.
I went with the usual grumpy attitude, but discovered that they've altered their parking policy. Restaurant guests no longer have to pay for parking. Good. Their food hasn't changed much, they still offer the same things, but since I don't eat much these days, that didn't matter, because what I did eat was pretty tasty. Good.
The omelet maker did not toast my omelet, and it didn't fall apart on the plate. Good. The waitress was particularly attentive. Good.
She mentioned that the dining room had a complete make-over – cnew tables and chairs, a fresh coat of paint in pleasing colors, and a new carpet. Good, good, and good. Frankly, I didn't notice the changes until she told us. But she was very nice, and she got my grandson some free koi food to feel the carp (they sell small containers at 50¢ a whack).
So-o-oo ... all in all, everything worked out fine. Consider my attitude about the Pagoda Floating Restaurant upgraded a notch or two.

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