Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Give Up. What's a Tomaote?

The last time I was in Las Vegas, I had dinner at d.vino's in the Monte Carlo Hotel & Casino. Outside the restaurant was one of those interactive LED posters with their menus (I love those things, by the way).

Because I'm the way I am, one word immediately caught my eye ... "Tomaotes" (in the phrase "Heirloom Tomaotes") What the heck is a tomaote? Was it a misspelling of "tomato"? Or was it a non-English word that meant tomatoes? Of course, I took a picture, so I could make fun of it later on, because that's just the way I am.

And then, on the printed menu they gave me at the table, there it was again. Tomaotes. Maybe it's the Italian word for tomato, I thought. When I got home, I tried Google Translate. Nope. Then I tried Babelfish. Nope again. No such word in any language. I did a Google Search, then a Bing Search. Nope, nope.

The search engines kept substituting "tomaote" for "tomato." When I insisted the searches look for the word "tomaote," They returned all the previous "tomato" results, but with the word "tomato" changed to "tomaote." So obviously, nobody but the d.vino people knows what the hell a "tomaote" is.

I think I give up.

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