Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Belated 4th Anniversary

An anniversary of sorts slipped by me a month and a half ago. Four years ago on Sept. 9, 2008, I posted my very first Left Field Wander blog entry – “Mowing the Lawn." It wasn’t very popular and as of today, has enjoyed only one visitor and reader ... me.

Since then, however, there have been 1,294 entries/posts as of today. In all, Left Field Wander has had a total of 93,028 visitors, an average of about 72 views per entry. That’s not bad. Everything I’ve read says a successful blog enjoys at least 25 visitors per entry.
The most popular post to date is “Japanese Tsunami Videos” (April 18, 2011) with 2,632 readers. That far outpaces the second-highest entry, "’Alouette’ is a Mean Song,” posted on March 18 of this year with 792 visitors.
Thank you for your continued readership; it makes writing Left Field Wander all worthwhile. I do write it primarily for myself, but it’s good to know others are enjoying it as well.