Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dream a Little Dream

While having lunch with the family at Cafe Tam (aka Venus Cafe) in Cupertino (remember the "Sizzing Menu" and the "Prawn Bulls" post a few days ago?), I had to go to the bathroom.

A brief survey of the situation revealed the pictured sign.

Now ... apparently the toilet is not just a toilet. It's a place to dream. If you do a Google image search, you'll come across at least a couple of pictures of this sign (well, one more now) so it obviously intrigued others.

I tried to find a source for the proverb ... if indeed it IS a proverb ... but to no avail. It may be an ancient Chinese saying and if so, would someone please provide this information. Not that it's that important, I think I get the gist of it.

It reminds me of something I read on a toilet wall when I was in college: "Some people come here to sit and think, others come here to (vulgar euphemism deleted) and stink; but I come here to scratch my (rhymes with "stalls") and read the poetry on the walls."

Deep. Very deep. Very philosophical. Just sit and think, sit and think, sit and think ... that is, until someone bangs on the door yelling for you to hurry up.

Think fast!

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