Friday, August 17, 2012

NBC’s Animal Practice Needs More Practice

On Sunday night, I was watching the Olympics closing ceremony entertainment on NBC when they cut their coverage to show a commercial-free episode of their new comedy, Animal Practice.

I’d seen their promos of the show every night during the two weeks preceding and was a bit intrigued … some of the little segments seemed so outrageous and funny. So, instead of being angry at their arbitrary insertion of the show, I demurred and watched it.
Boy … is it lousy. There’s no heart to it, everything seems just so mean-spirited, and even after loads to reflection, I can’t come up with any redeeming reasons why I should watch it. The characters are kind of offensive, Capuchin monkey included, each in his or her own way – either immature or too serious or dumb or condescending or timid or stereotyped. That wouldn’t be so bad if the blend was good.
Maybe if I read further reviews, say at the end of season 1, that tell me it matured and improved, I might give it another chance.
But as for now … fergit abouddit!

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