Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pearlridge Hall of Heroes

One thing about being retired … I find myself taking in events and checking out displays that I normally wouldn’t cotton to. Things like the Pearlridge Center’s summer displays.

Sometimes they’re pretty interesting – like the giant insects display a few years ago, the dinosaur animatronics, and the Ice Age mammals last year (was it last year already? I’m losing track). This year, they featured the “Hall of Heroes,” paying homage to comic book heroes.
I have to say it was okay. Nothing great, not real exciting. It’s mostly a static display of pictures.

Downtown featured a few Batman memorabilia … the Batmobile, for example, which was formed off the original Batmobile molds used in the 1966 television series starring Hawaii’s own Adam West. According to the specifications, it weighs 5,500 pounds, is a smidgen longer than 17 feet, and is four feet in height. There also is a small display case of Batman stuff, including Robin’s uniform.

Uptown’s big feature is the Super Train, which at $3 a head chugga-chuggas little kids no taller than four-feet around a cityscape constructed of printed boards simulating buildings and Marvel Comics super characters. A few other interactive displays are offered, as well.
Iron Man

The Hulk

I have to say it’s nothing spectacular. It’s something to amuse the kids if you happen to be going to Pearlridge Center anyway, but it certainly isn’t something you’d want to make a special trip there for.

But as I said, when you’re retired, it’s something to do.

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