Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lump Gone At Last

Well alrighty, then. The blasted lump on the back of my head is gone ... finally. I had Dr. Adaniya work on it yesterday.

It turns out that the lump wasn't a lipoma (fatty tumor) as suspected. Instead, it was a chronic infection that created some granules that clumped together. What the doctor did was make an incision and dig out the blasted stuff.

Except for the initial shots of novocaine, I didn't experience any pain. Umm, I take that back. About midway through, I did feel some pain so he gave me more numbing shots to take care of that.

A few stiches, instructions to clean it twice daily and make sure I shampoo my hair every night, and a prescription for antibiotics, and I was good to go. I can't tell you how good it feels to have that blasted lump gone from my head.

Thanks for all the thoughts you all shared with me on Facebook.


  1. Good riddance lump! Take care of that handsome head. Hats or no hats?


  2. Glad it's gone!! Glad it was nothing serious!! Glad you are on the mend!!

  3. Wow! Blasted lump. I'm glad you are a-OK now....and glad you didn't post a pic of whatever they took out!

  4. Thank you all. If you didn't know I had a procedure, you'd never know it by looking at the back of my head. The dressing is off, and you can hardly see the stitches, and the little bald spot where the lump was is gone.

    ~ Craig
