Monday, June 25, 2012

A Lighter Shade of Pale

We all know that anoles (also known as American chameleons) change color to aid their camouflage efforts. I’ve seen everything from green to brown to almost black.
But I don’t think I’ve ever seen a very tan anole. (Hey! “Tan anole”! Sounds like our senior U.S. senator, Dan Inouye! … never mind.) Not until recently.
I’ve been bringing my camera outside with me whenever I sit in my director’s lounge hair and read, because one day, an anole jumped onto my shoulder from the adjacent table, and I had no way to record the event. How cool would it have been to snap a picture of a lizard on my shoulder.
But I’m never ready for such occasions. A dove once flew up behind me and perched on my head. Did I have a camera ready? No.
Ah, but I digress. So I did have a camera when a very light tan anole sat there on the chair looking up at me. He (she?) even let me get close enough to snap a nice picture.
See? à

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