Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Head-Scratcher Signs

During my April trip to San Jose, I came across a few signs that made me scratch my head and go, “Huh?” You gotta wonder, what were these people thinking? And, did they ever get out of grade school?
I mean, what does a one think when s/he sees a sign  like this one? à
From what I gather, the freeway off-ramp will be closed from Monday, April 0 through Thursday April … what? According to my warped logic, that means the off-ramp will never be closed. Because there’s no such day as April 0, Monday or otherwise.
And what does “Thursday April” mean? Does it mean that there are seven Aprils in a year? Like Monday April, Tuesday April, Wednesday … I think you get the idea. Obviously, whoever put the sign up doesn’t.
ß How ‘bout this one? Just what the heck is a “rance”? And why does it cost so much? I looked up “rance.” It’s a Japanese role-playing video game. Is $7.99 a fair price to pay for a rance? I would think it would cost much more than that, what with the cost of electronic games these days.
Although … the price of the games does seem to be coming down. Hmmmm, I think I’m losing it.
Oh, one more. While driving on Camden Avenue in San Jose, I saw a hand-made sign that read:  "Japanese mapes left on Aylshire." I don’t know what a “mape” is, and I don’t know if the sign indicates you can find them if you turn left on Aylshire, or that the mapes were LEFT alongside the road on Aylshire Street.
I couldn't take a picture because I was driving and my camera was in my back pocket, which was secured by a velcro closure. Shucks.
I wonder what they meant by “mapes”? Google doesn’t find anything, so I can only surmise that the sign-poster meant to write “maps,” or “maples.” You pick. I give up.
I think I’m overthinking again. Ya think?

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