Thursday, June 7, 2012

An Airport Mystery

As our plane taxied away from the gate at Honolulu International Airport at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 23, a small fleet of yellow fire trucks came speeding down the tarmac, positioning themselves behind a Delta Airlines jet that had just parked at the gate.

The people on our side of the plane (including me) all were curious about the incident, but as we watched, all the fire personnel did was stand there on alert. There was no hustle and/or bustle by the ground crew, so obviously no one on the plane was in immediate danger.

Or were they? Was there something going on there that we couldn't see? I would have checked the TV news that night, but y'know, I wasn't going to be in Hawaii.

When I got to Vegas and checked into the hotel, I whipped out my iPad and did a 'net search. Nothing. Nothing for two days. When I got home a few days later, I did another search using the more comprehensive resources on my desktop. Still nothing.

A mystery ... I guess I'll never know.

1 comment:

  1. You know what they say. . . Ignorance is bliss!!

    Perhaps it was just a training exercise.
