Friday, May 18, 2012

Three-Generation Haircut

A special first-time event for me was the three-generations haircut that my son, my grandson and I had at the same time, same day, same place.

We all trucked over to Focus Hair in Cupertino, where my son (right yellow arrow) has been getting his hair trimmed for many years, since he started working at Hewlett-Packard 'way back when. He and I had been there together before, but not with my grandson.

So this was a special day. Little grandson (left yellow arrow) wasn't too keen about it, though, and whined up a storm until it became evident he was trapped in his mothers arms on the chair. Being a neat kid and a nicely behaved boy when he has to, he settled down, cringing every now and then when he felt tickles on his ear.

I got my usual #1-1/2 trim all around, which rather distressed a couple of the women barbers. But y'know, that's okay, Because they thought I looked good anyway.

It wasn't easy setting up this picture, but it's the best I could do. Thank gawd for mirrors, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Good job setting up the picture and wasn't it a fun experience with Joey!
