Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A New Memorial Day Memory

I was flying home from Las Vegas in the first-class section of Omni Air International yesterday and made a remarkable discovery. Of the 20 seats in first class, 18 were filled with seniors older than I am.
The wheelchair-bound were loaded first, and by the time they called for first class and we were able to board, all but four of the section’s seats were occupied. That’s a lot of old folks and others traveling with them. That was a lot of old folks.
A very senior couple sat behind my brother-in-law and me – an 89-year-old man (I know his age because I heard him enter the “Oldest Person On Board” contest) and his slightly younger wife, the same couple going to Vegas and returning home to Honolulu. She was jibber-jabbering through both flights, from take-off to landing. He kept answering with a gruff “Huh?”
They each went to the toilet four times both ways, grabbing the back of my seat for balance and jostling me out of whatever airplane-drone daze I was in. The elderly man kept hacking and clearing his throat, belching up lots of gas, and coughing up what I presume was handfuls of greenish-yellow phlegm. And no, I didn’t turn around and look.
It was pretty disgusting, and I knew I’d never forget this flight to and from Vegas.
But you know what? Yesterday was Memorial Day holiday on the flight home, and I happened to notice he was wearing a jacket that said "Iwo Jima" on the back. The man was a Navy veteran of World War II and had been there when the Navy transported U.S. Army troops to Iwo Jima. I immediately banished all irritating thoughts out of my head and changed my attitude completely.
As we were deplaning, I caught his eye and silently mouthed “Thank you.”
God bless his heart.

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