Friday, May 11, 2012

I Ain't Payin' No Stinkin' $10

I was actually looking forward to checking out the Ferraris on display at The Wynn Resort, so after I cashed in my slot machine winnings (see the post of a couple of days ago), the wife and I wandered down the shops concourse to check out the Penski-Wynn Ferrari Showroom.

Pinchy was with me, and I was planning to take a few shots of him ogling the outrageously expensive cars. Yeah, yeah, I was going to take pix of the wife too.

We stopped short at the entrance. There, on a stanchion, was a notice that admission (ADMISSION!) was $10 a person. Ten bucks to walk around and look at cars that they were going to try and sell you. Balk, balk, balk.

It's not that I'm cheap. I mean, I've paid a lot more to see other things, including some rather tacky tourist attractions. But c'mon, I'm not going to lay down a sawbuck just to drool over a car or two or three.

Consequently, I just stuck my camera into the entrance, smiled nicely at the beautiful young women eagerly waiting for me to hand over my money and escort me and the wife around the showroom, and snapped a few pictures.

As a consolation, we checked out the Ferrari Store adjacent to the showroom. There were some nice t-shirts but they too were out of my league. I didn't want to spend $250 for a Ferrari shirt, and neither was I going to buy my grandson one that costs $100. I mean, the only result of wearing those shirts is that I'm going to spill spaghetti sauce on the front, and my grandson is going to slather some noodles all over his.

No Ferrari souvenir. Shucks.


  1. Gee...I wonder if you get your admission refunded back to you if you buy a car? Only in Vegas.

  2. I wish I'd have thought to ask that, Lulu!

    ~ Craig
